Donec luctus elit sapien, vitae scelerisque felis sodales in. Vestibulum ut nibh eget lectus semper sagittis.
The Tabbed Widget app turns any content region into a tabbed widget. All apps in the region are included in the widget unless its header is turned off. The app provides several color options including tab text color, active tab text color, tab background color and active tab background color. There's also an option to set at which WCM mobile view the tabbed widget turns into an accordion. This option is used to better utilize the limited space on mobile devices. The accordion inherits all of the colors set for the tabs.
Example: Multiple App Types
Mathlete Winners
Congratulations to our Mathlete winners who took first place in the recent regional competition. They will be moving on to the national event which will take place later this year. View all winners here. -
Tutoring Sessions
Parents! If you are in need of tutoring sessions for your children, please contact our school counselor. We have local college students who are trained and available for slotted sessions at our schools.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vehicula mi eget quam malesuada, vel maximus velit fringilla. Sed tellus ipsum, sodales vitae placerat ac, dapibus vitae ipsum. Ut et commodo nunc. Donec luctus elit sapien, vitae scelerisque felis sodales in. Vestibulum ut nibh eget lectus semper sagittis. Aenean libero nisi, porta eget pellentesque ut, aliquet in urna. Donec diam nisl, pretium sed erat a, mattis placerat enim. Quisque facilisis, tortor ac iaculis rutrum, metus elit sollicitudin ante, sed tristique ante felis id nunc.