Design Ready Feature Definitions

  • Templates to Choose From

    Number of templates currently available in each tier


    Responsive Displays

    Number of "breakpoints" (responsive views) included with each template. All templates include 5; a desktop view, 768 view, 640 view, 480 view and 320 view. Tablets and mobile devices come in a variety of sizes, but 768 and 640 views are typically for tablets, and 480 and 320 views are typically for mobile devices, depending on whether the device is being held horizontally or vertically.


    Included Interactive Elements

    Interactive Elements (IEs) are premium functionality features. These elements can help organize content, make your website more engaging, and enhance the user experience. In short, they add the "wow factor" to a template. Each Design Ready template has a certain number of IEs built into the design; 6 for MyWay Ultra, 3 for MyWay Premium and 1-2 for Standard. IEs include features like streaming video, tabbed apps, color configurability, content sliders, and more. They are already included in each Design Ready template, so additional IEs cannot be added. When you click on a template thumbnail (after clicking on one of the three template tiers), you will see the included IEs for that template listed in the bottom left corner. You can learn more about IEs and see live examples here, but make note that some examples featured on this page are from Made to Order templates.


    Streaming Video

    Streaming video is video that autoplays, rather than requiring a play button to be clicked. Video integration has become a very popular homepage component, and streaming video is a sought after Interactive Element. Available video venders are YouTube and Vimeo. See an example of streaming video.


    Photo Collages

    A photo collage is a group of photos that adds visual interest and interactivity to your homepage. You can use a photo collage to feature imagery, link to videos or social media, or promote news and events happening at your district. See an example of a photo collage.


    Multimedia Gallery App

    The Multimedia Gallery app (MMG) is a responsive media gallery that displays images and embedded videos. You can show/hide titles and captions on a per-record basis, link your photos and videos to any URL, and have full control over the link text. All templates utilize MMG in the main photo area on the homepage. Learn more about Multimedia Gallery and how to download this custom app for use in other areas of your website.



    Mobile Menu

    Every Design Ready template includes a responsive mobile menu that houses the main website navigation as well as other key elements on smaller views. All templates feature a recently updated mobile menu that can be customized to match your template's color scheme. See an example of the mobile menu here by dragging your browser window until a Menu button appears, or by viewing the site on a tablet or mobile device.


    High Contrast Toggle

    The high contrast toggle is a feature available on all MyWay Ultra templates that site admins can turn on/off on a per site basis. It shows up at the very top of the site, and when turned on, converts the template colors to black and white. This provides visually impaired users with an enhanced experience, and helps to safeguard against color contrast violations. See an example of the high contrast toggle here.


    Google Branded Translator

    The branded translator utilizes Google's JavaScript based website translator plugin. The chosen language is remembered as the user continues to navigate through the website, which is a great benefit. All templates include the Google branded translator. See an example of the Google branded translator here. 

    Global Icons

    These are icons that are built into a certain area of the template and can be customized on a per site basis. They are most often utilized to highlight important links that go to high traffic areas of the website (or popular external websites). You can control the number of icons, the icon text and the URL. Choose icons from our built in icon library, or upload your own custom icons.


    Social Media Icons

    Social media icons are built into a certain area of the template and can be turned on/off on a per site basis. You decide which icons you want to show or hide, and control the URLs. See an example of social media icons in the header of this site.


    Google Map Access or Integration

    Every MyWay Ultra template, and most MyWay Premium templates, have Google Maps integrated into the template footer in some way. The address might be clickable, there could be a Get Directions link, or the map itself may show or open upon click. Google Map integration makes getting directions or finding your location very convienient for users. See an example


    Configurable Footer Links

    Every MyWay Ultra template, and most MyWay Premium templates, have configurable links included in the footer region. Footer links are completely optional, and you choose the text and URL for each. Utilize them to link to contact or accessibility information, employment opportunities, legal statements, disclaimers, etc. See an example of configurable footer links by scrolling to the bottom of this template.


    Site Map Link

    Every Web Community Manager website includes a system built site map page, and every Design Ready template includes a link in the footer for the site map. The site map provides a visual guide to the navigation hierarchy and content structure on the website, and is recommended for accessibility. Click here to see what the site map page looks like.


    Disclaimer Text

    Disclaimer text shows up in the footer of every template and is designed to display legal statements or disclaimers, such as Non-Discrimination policies. You can show/hide the disclaimer text on a per site basis, and the text can be easily edited at any time. See disclaimer text in the footer of this template, directly above the Blackboard logo.


    Optional Email Link

    Every MyWay Ultra template and most MyWay Premium templates include the ability to add an email address in the footer along with the address, phone and fax. Scroll to the footer of this template to see the email link in action.


    Custom Editor Styles

    Each MyWay Ultra template, most MyWay Premium templates, and both Standard templates include several custom editor styles that can be applied to Content apps. Editor styles are colored borders and backgrounds that can be utilized to draw a user's attention to specific content. Whether that's contact information, important links, an announcement of some sort - you decide. On this page, you can see examples of custom editor styles and find directions on how to apply them.


    Sticky Channel Bar

    Every MyWay Ultra and MyWay Premium template has a sticky channel bar. As users scroll down the page, the channel bar will stick to the top of the browser window, enabling users to access the main navigation from anywhere on the page. Start to scroll down the page on this site and you will see the sticky channel bar in action.


    Multi-Column Section Dropdowns

    Standard section dropdowns are vertically oriented, but select MyWay Ultra templates feature a multi-column section dropdown that displays horizontally. This gives the appearance of a "channel bar mega menu" without the setup work, and is ideal for channels with large numbers of sections. See an example of a multi-column section dropdown by hovering over the About Us channel on this site.


    Automatic Maintenance for Defects and Accessibility

    The beauty of a Design Ready template is automatic maintenance. If a new browser version is released, accessibility requirements change, or a template defect is reported, a universal template update will be made. You can rest easy knowing that your template will always meet current accessibility requirements. *Note: Accessibility can be divided into three categories of compliance: Product, Template and Content. Blackboard owns Product and Template, but you control Content. More information on accessibility can be found here.