Regulatory Maintenance Package

  • As browsers change, accessibility requirements are updated, and Web Community Manager evolves to include new features and functionality, your custom template may require updates to remain compatible and compliant. With the Regulatory Maintenance Package, you can rest assured that your template will continue to function at peak performance, year after year.

    If you discover an issue with your custom template - whether it's a functionality defect, you recieve an OCR complaint, etc - you need only submit a support case and the Creative Services team will resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

    The Regulatory Maintenance Package is designed to provide continual template maintenance and service all year long. As opposed to a once annual review, a continual service model enables us to better serve our clients by providing service quickly and efficiently throughout the year, rather than within a specific project window.

    Service Scope

    • Accessibility updates to meet WCAG 2.0 AA conformance
      • Ensure proper tabbing order throughout the template
      • Review for screen reader comprehension
      • Add/Check ARIA attributes to improve/ensure rich template markup
      • Identify template-based color contrast errors (within the district site) and ensure there are sufficient controls within the Template Configuration Window to resolve contrast errors
        • Identification and remediation of colors (controlled via the Template Configuration Window) on subsites are the responsibility of the district
    • Replace Flash
    • Update template-based embed codes from 3rd parties such as Google
    • Ensure current browser compatibility and compatibility with HTTPS
    • Assess Web Community Manager features introduced after the custom template was complete, and update the template as needed for compatibility with new features
    • External template plugin updates on Blackboard's Content Delivery Network (CDN)
      • Continuous improvement in speed and quality of code
Packages Image


  • If I receive an OCR complaint, what should I do?

  • Will Blackboard fix accessibility issues discovered by a 3rd party?

  • What guidelines are followed for accessibility compliance?

  • What happens if I do not purchase the RMP?

  • Disclaimer: The Made to Order (MTO) Regulatory Maintenance Package (RMP) is not applicable to templates that have been developed or otherwise edited by a 3rd-party. This means that only templates that have been developed and maintained by the Blackboard Creative Services team are eligible for the service.