Prepare to Launch: Action Items

      Prepare To Launch

      • 1. Provide Domain Information

      • 2. Validate SSL Certificate

      • 3. Go Live!

      • Commonly Used Domain Registrars - Support and Contact Information

      Staff Training Plan

      • Objective: Begin training staff members and teachers on editing their portion of the website to prepare for your site launch. 

        Internal Training

        • Prepare for staff training and rollout:
          • Select training dates/locations and working sessions.
          • Determine training groups and training leads that will help facilitate.
        • Determine a training delivery method that aligns with your District's needs, goals, and training standards; common solutions: 

      Communication Plan

      • Objective: To create a plan for your internal staff and community about the new district-branded Blackboard website.

        Communication Plan

        • Create or update an on-screen alert to let your community know your website is moving soon. 
        • Send an email to faculty to include: your launch date, domain, QR code, and reminders to update "favorites" on their desktop.
        • Send a notification blast to the community about your new district-branded Blackboard website.
        • Prepare/Schedule Social Media posts: sneak-peeks or teasers ahead of your launch date, and a final "Check out our new Website!" post.
        • Announcing your launch: Best Practices, Tips, and Document Templates to Help Launch your District and School Website(s).


      • Website
        Launch Guide
      • Accessibility
      • Design Ready
        Template Tiers
      • Design Ready
        Template Resources
      • Template Configuration Guide
      • Template Configuration Video
      • Made to Order
      • Made to Order
      • Community Engagement Integrated Features
      • Subscribe to CERC
      • LDAP Process
      • UNAV
      • Google Analytics
      • Google Custom Search

      Implementation Process