About the Campaign App

  • The Campaign App allows the district to create single or multiple (stacked) campaign items on their website. The app offers a "Tall" item, "Medium" item, or "Short" item control that provides flexibility around the size of the intended campaign. Each campaign item has controls for title text, show/hide title, title font size, caption text, show/hide caption, caption font size, and a toggle to show/hide a transparent black title/caption background. Another notable aspect is that each item has a "Description Position" control which allows the title/caption box to be aligned many different ways that can satisfy virtually any image orientation. Those include, "Left Top", "Left Center", "Left Bottom", "Center Top", "Center Center", "Center Bottom", "Right Top", "Right Center", and "Right Bottom". Finally, the district can upload a custom image for each campaign item as well as set a custom link. The Campaign app even displays well on mobile devices where the campaign message is not lost or modified.

Campaign App